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Josh Rivera

UC pic

The buzz of campus is slowly returning with the students

The campus seems to have a little more life now with the increase of in-person classes and some restaurants reopening for the spring semester. It has almost been a year since we received the shocking news that we would not return to campus classes and would have to figure out a way to make online classes ...

The Setonian

From the Editor’s desk...sort of

As I approach my final semester as the Editor-in-Chief, I just wanted to thank those that have stuck around and appreciated the content we put out as journalists for the year I have been in charge.  I have to be honest, I didn’t expect the paper to take all the turns that it did. But, in some ...

The Setonian
Online Features

Letter from the Editor: Heart of the Helmsman

We as a publication have a duty to the reader to always provide factual, interesting and deep insight into the school and the community we are a part of. It isn’t easy running a college newspaper, but the reward of daily publications always makes it worth the time. We are the gatekeepers of information ...

Tim Howard

World Cup goalie Tim Howard signs with Memphis 901 FC

Yesterday, Memphis 901 FC announced that they will be signing Tim Howard, a former World Cup goalie with over 20 years of experience as a professional soccer player, on to the team just three days before their home opener.  This, however, is not his first or even second involvement with the team. ...

The Setonian

Letter from the Editor: Today's Issue

Hello fellow Tigers, I just wanted to apologize for the issue we put out yesterday. As you can see, our issues look at little bit different now, and we hope it's for the better. We have decided to move on to a new publication in order for us to be able to expand and improve our content.  Yesterday ...

The Setonian

From the Helmsman: A Public Safety Announcement

Yesterday we were notified by email of a robbery that took place near or on campus. Around 3 p.m. on February 11, 2020, the female victim reported to campus police that she was robbed at gunpoint and assaulted. This all transpired from an initial deal she had set with an unknown person about something ...

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Jashar Liggins
McKenzie Boone
Harley Bond
Jayla Kimbro
Jasmine Harrington
Diamond Cassie
Taylor Sanders
Ty Garmon
Makayla Hallol

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