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Stop race baiting

I am a custodial worker in the University Center. This building is the epicenter of student activities for all students. The Sept. 30 edition of The Daily Helmsman, which had the front page headline "black and white side," is a perfect example of race baiting.

This campus has a diverse amount of culture, and the UC exemplifies that each and every day. I believe in freedom of speech, but to say that the building is segregated, even if it is subconsciously, is not newsworthy.

In the year that I have worked in this specific building, I have not seen any racially charged words or actions. It is a place to gather for nutrients, events, entertainment and knowledge.

If one feels the said segregation is an issue, then let's all come together and make a change for the betterment of us all. We are all humans, and no matter what our skin tone is, we all can find common ground.

Maybe one way for all students to come together is to do community work. I've worked on this campus for almost two years and would love to see the large amount of food waste be donated to the numerous homeless people in this city. The Mid-South Peace and Justice Center is located on Southern Avenue, less than a mile from campus. The people there do wonderful work with the less fortunate in our community.

Students of this university should come together and help others. In this the 21st century, there is no room for segregation or even talk of segregation. We should all love and accept each other.

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