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Kissing can be beneficial to health

A passionate kiss a day, keeps the doctor away. Although this may not be a typical aphorism your grandmother told you, it does contain lots of truth. 

Sharing a passionate kiss with someone can make you feel a variety of emotions, but it also can benefit your physical and mental health. According to researchers from a variety of universities, the benefits that can be gained from a kiss include stress reduction, emotional bonding, a physically cleaner mouth, and a metabolic and immunity boost. 

Physical health benefits that can be gained from sharing an intimate kiss with another range from cleaner teeth to activated neurotransmitters in your brain. The way that kissing can improve your oral health is through the not-so-attractive thought of swapping saliva. The good bacteria in saliva contain particles that can fight harmful bacteria. 

A vigorous kiss has the potential to help burn 8-16 calories and assist the immune system in reducing allergic responses for those with skin and nasal allergies. 

“An interesting thing about kissing is that it releases endorphins that make you feel good and assist in building a healthy immune system,” said college student William Nelms. 

The mental benefits of a good smooch are increase of self-esteem and the release of positive chemicals to the brain. These chemicals are serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin. 

“I would say kissing is good for your mental health because it is a form of intimacy that allows you to feel a mutual attraction to another or provide reassurance in a relationship,” said Anna Anderson, a speech pathologist. 

Kissing’s emotional health benefits are relaxation, reduction of stress and increased happiness and excitement. A wide variety of emotions, in addition to these, can be felt depending on the type of kiss, location or the person you are kissing. 

“Sharing a kiss with someone can be sexually intimate or purely platonic and I think there are emotional benefits to both that allow you to feel loved or just happy,” said college student Catherine Hansom.  

Whether you engage in a sensual kiss with a romantic partner, give or receive a peck on the cheek from a family member or share a sweet moment with your child, it could do much more for you than putting a smile on your face.

Health benefits of kissing

1. Kissing triggers your brain to release a cocktail of chemicals (oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin) that make you feel happy and lowers your cortisol (stress hormone) levels and improve feelings of self-worth and relaxation and decreases anxiety.

2. Kissing dilates your blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, which can relieve headaches.

3. Kissing can boost your immune system. Swapping spit can boost your immunity by exposing you to new germs that strengthen your immune system against viruses.

4. Kissing has been shown to provide significant relief from hives and other signs of allergic reaction associated with pollen and household dust mites.

5. Kissing is tied to improvement in total serum cholesterol, which lowers your risk of several diseases including heart disease and stroke.

6. Kissing helps prevent cavities by increasing saliva production.

7. Kissing can contribute to firmer, younger looking skin by giving 34 facial muscles a work-out and increasing collagen production.

8. Kissing burns calories, depending on how passionately you kiss.

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