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Walk and Talk: What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Hailley Hargrove, 21-years-old senior:

My favorite Halloween candy is probably those little lemon drop packs? I haven’t gone trick or treating in so long and I remember always looking for those.” 

Abigail Martin, 20-years-old:

I seriously have always loved chocolate so my favorites are all of the Halloween chocolates, like the orange KitKats and pumpkin Reese’s!”

Charlie McCarty, 21-years-old:

“My favorite Halloween Candy has to be warheads cause of the sour punch. Very spooky!”

Danielle Calhoun, 21-years-old:

“My favorite Halloween candy would be Kit Kat, Snickers, and the pumpkin Reese’s!”

Destiny Smith, 23-years-old:
“My favorite Halloween candy would have  to be skittles, starburst, and Kit Kat’s, I’ve been obsessed since I was a kid!”

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