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Tigers get down as Midday Moves kicks off

Loud music, dancing and college kids are all usually associated with a Saturday night at a dance club or bar, but that was the scene on a Monday afternoon at the Alumni Mall as Midday Moves kicked off for the semester.

University of Memphis President David Rudd started off this semester’s Midday Moves program with a speech about the importance of health and nutrition on behalf of Memphis Healthy U committee.

Started by Interim president Brad Martin in the fall of 2013 as a way for students to get some physical activity in the middle of the their class schedule, Midday Moves serves as a platform for students to exercise in a fun and unique way.

Behind the Memphis Healthy U initiative, Midday Moves was started to promote a healthier lifestyle to students on campus including exercise, nutrition and to try and motivates student to be smoke free. This lead to the University being named as a finalist as one of the Mid-South’s healthiest employers.

Marshall Varnun is in his second year as coordinator of Midday Moves offers his input as to why the program is beneficial to students as well as faculty.

“It helps with networking, meeting people and making connections,” Varnun said. “And just having tiger pride.”

Midday Moves will go on Monday through Friday, with Monday through Thursday serving as exercise days. Nutrition Seminars will be held Fridays in Mitchell Hall in room 403.

“Come out here and give it a try,” Varnun said. “Just give it one chance to benefit your day. I recommend coming out to the yoga held Wednesdays. It’s very relaxing.”

Other planned events this semester include Dodge ball, field day competitions, Kan Jam, ROTC Basic Training, as well as numerous line dances.

“Everyone likes line dancing, because everyone is getting involved and having fun,” Varnun said. “Word of mouth is the best way to get the word out, because we don’t have a budget like other programs”

First time coordinator and Graduate student Jenna Richardson has a different idea as to why students should get involved in Midday Moves, “Not only is it physically beneficial, but it’s mentally and emotionally beneficial as well,” Richardson said, “it gets students engaged on campus as we try to cater to making events fun and funny.”

Students who want to get involved and help out can become ambassadors for the program by participating in five different Midday Moves events.

“Ambassadors of Midday Moves can use it to build a résumés,” Richardson said,” It is also beneficial to be healthy as well.”

Students wanting to get involved with Midday moves can come out to the University Center Alumni Mall at 12:30 P.M. for 15 to 20 minutes.

With an average turnout of around 25 people, the program is hoping to get more students involved this semester while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Midday Moves will have Midday Mindfulness Tuesday followed by Yoga Wednesday and Kan Jam Thursday. Everyone is encouraged to come out even if it’s only for 10 minutes in between classes.

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