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Office teaches on living with learning disabilties on campus

The Office of Student Disability Services at the University of Memphis will host an information session for Memphis-area high school students and their parents about looking for and transitioning into college with a learning disability.

The session will take place Monday from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Fountain View Room in the University Center. It's meant for high school juniors and seniors with learning disabilities, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or autism, and parents, guidance counselors and special education teachers.

"It's to educate students and their parents on how to find a college or university that works for them including what to look for in a disability services program in general," Jennifer Murchison, assistant director of Student Disability Services, said. "We also tell them in detail what our program can offer students."

Murchison said the program takes place bi-annually, once per fall and spring semester and is part of community outreach.

Because the laws in higher education are different from grade school, Murchison said it's important for students to understand what those differences are and how what was appropriate in high school may not be appropriate in college.

"For example, in high school, the school has to make sure the students succeed, but in college we just have to make sure students have equal access," she said. "We want them to succeed, of course, which is why we offer a wide variety of services through our office."

There are no separate admissions criteria for students with learning disabilities at the U of M.

"For all of the students registered with academic services we do academic coaching, math tutoring, assist with writing assignments and study skills, and we also do support groups as needed," Murchison said. "But, we do offer a lot of one on one assistance and if we can't do it in-house, we can refer students to other on-campus offices."

Though the event is free and open to the public, Murchison said the disabilities office would prefer for interested attendees to RSVP no later than Monday afternoon by calling 901-678-2880. Space is limited to 100 participants.

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