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Mid-South Food Bank hosts annual Turkey Drive


As people prepare for their Thanksgiving travels and traditions, the Mid-South Food Bank is nearing its annual frozen turkey donation goal.

Marcia Wells, communications director for the Mid-South Food Bank, said the Turkey Drive has taken place for years now.

"It really kind of started in earnest a couple of years ago when we discovered a week before Thanksgiving that we didn't have any turkeys," she said. "And we got almost 5,000 in a week."

Wells said the goal every year since then is always set for at least 5,000 turkeys.

People can donate turkeys at the Mid-South Food Bank in person from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 239 S. Dudley Street, or can donate money online and select "Turkeys," from the designation drop box.

As of Tuesday, monetary and physical donations have accounted for approximately 3,000 turkeys.

Wells said $15 can help purchase a 12-pound turkey.

"Turkeys have no season as far as I'm concerned," she said. "Whatever doesn't get distributed before Thanksgiving will be all ready for Christmas."

Though the Turkey Drive ends this afternoon at 5 p.m., turkeys can be donated to the Mid-South Food Bank all year.


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