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Tennessee legislature proposes bill that would allow religious agencies to reject same-sex couples

Over the past few weeks, the Tennessee state legislature has received a bill that, if passed, would allow different adoption agencies with religious objections to openly deny LGBTQ people the right to adopt a child without the fear of a legal suit.

Republican state Sen. Joey Hensley and Republican state Rep.  John Ragan sponsored the bill and expect the bill to pass.

Stonewall Tigers Gender & Sexuality Alliance is a campus community at the University of Memphis that promotes LGBTQ education, and it is the only LGBTQ student alliance on campus. The club meets regularly with UofM President David Rudd to discuss important matters regarding the LGBTQ community and how they can become more productive within the community and advocate for others seeking LGBTQ leadership.

Former president of Stonewall Tigers Andrew Phifer said he understands the theology behind the bills but thinks the bill is seated in judgment. 

“I also understand where the bill is coming from to a certain degree, but I also see the clear issue with passing it,” Phifer said. “This, to me, does not represent how religion should be. Super Christians are so judgmental, and I don’t believe in discrimination.”

Phifer said this bill contradicts the Republican Party’s pro-life agenda. 

“The Republican Party is very pro-life and against abortions ... but ... most of these kids are in foster care,” Phifer said. “And there’s so many of them in the system who are looking to be adopted, but the Republican Party is pushing the bill. They say they are very pro-life, but once the baby is born, the Republican Party doesn’t really seem to care.”

The president of UofM’s Stone-wall Tigers Dakota Averett said the bill is discriminatory toward the LGBTQ community. Averett said this law could affect people across the LGBTQ spectrum.

“This is a very touchy subject for everyone,” Averett said. “I feel to a certain degree ... it will affect me personally at least not completely because I’m bisexual, so the possibility is 50-50.”

Averett said it is not fair for adoption agencies to deny LGBTQ couples the right to adopt because it is a popular way for those couples to have children.

“I also understand that there are other ways to have children other than adoption, but certain routes can be expensive, and it’s great if you can afford it, but most people can’t,” Averett said. “I feel it’s wrong for adoption agencies to think that single people or gay and lesbian couples are not considered fit parents is just ignorant.”

Stonewall Tigers general commitee member Olivia Roman said she was raised by Catholic parents and often discusses LGBTQ issues with her family.

“I try to understand things from my family’s perspective, but at the moment, I’m not quite in agreement just yet,” Roman Said. “But I value their opinion and respects their religious beliefs.” 

Roman said there are other issues the government should deal with instead of focusing on LGBTQ people. 

“The government should focus more on those with criminal backgrounds, not upstanding citizens who won’t bring harm to children,” Roman said. “It’s sad the government is denying children place to live because of their own selfishness and their own feelings towards the LGBTQ community.”

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